Well we are 100% done recording,mixing, mastering, blah-blahing. Nothing has been established thus far as to a release but talk to one of us and maybe we can burn you something to tide you over until we release something a bit more substantial. We have a show July 4th at The Polish Combatants Hall, come check it out.
We would absolutely just love to play a couple local shows this summer, so get in touch with one of our many limbs (Marty, Shane, Billy, Steve) and it will report back to the brain for further investigation/confirmation.
In other news, our brothers in Lightmares have finally done it, they recorded last night and I couldn't be more stoked on it (the Lightmares link on the right will lead you to a couple of tracks, CHECK THEM OUT, I'M SERIOUS!) especially We Blew Up The Art School... it's like they just know what I want to hear.I also heard if you listen to the bridge in Ghost you can find a Neil a Don and a Drake. Bunnies in Bro-lin are also looking to record sometime so stay tuned for that, there is also a link to that on the right.
So to wrap this up I'm telling you to check out the Lightmares recording, keep an eye open for Bunnies In Berlin and talk to Bot's because they don't bite, oh yeah and we are in a bit of a jamming limbo right now as we have to keep switching jam spots for 3 more weeks..it's like trying to fuck on every surface of your house but you have to move gear every time, so it's not as fun. Oh yeah and those shirts, we should be doing that soon, I know we are slacking.